This is a universal viewer and toolbox for analyzing timeseries storage files such as EEG, EMG, ECG, BioImpedance, and more. It supports various file formats including EDF, EDF+, BDF, BDF+, and offers several conversion tools. Some of its key features include converting Nihon Kohden files to EDF format with annotations, Unisens to EDF converter, Manscan Microamps to EDF converter with annotations, SCP-ECG to EDF converter, Emsa to EDF converter with annotations, ASCII to EDF/BDF converter, and Bmeye Nexfin support.
EDFbrowser is an open source, multiplatform, universal viewer and toolbox intended for, but not limited to, timeseries storage files like EEG, EMG, ECG, BioImpedance, etc.
Main features:
- Supported fileformats: EDF, EDF , BDF, BDF.
- Nihon Kohden (*.eeg) to EDF converter (including annotations).
- Unisens to EDF converter.
- Manscan Microamps (*.mbi/*.mb2) to EDF converter (including annotations).
- SCP-ECG (*.scp) to EDF converter.
- Emsa (*.PLG) to EDF converter (including annotations).
- ASCII to EDF/BDF converter.
- Finometer (Beatscope) to EDF converter.
- Bmeye Nexfin (FrameInspector) to EDF converter.
- WAV to EDF converter.
- reads Biosemi's trigger inputs from the BDF "Status" signal.
- Annotation editor.
- Header editor, fixes also lot's of different format-errors.
- 1th to 8th order Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and "moving average" filters.
- Notchfilter with adjustable Q-factor.
- Powerspectrum (FFT).
- ECG Heart Rate detection (raw ECG waveform -> beats per minute).
with possibility to export the RR-intervals (beat to beat).
- Z-EEG measurement.
- Averaging using triggers, events or annotations.
- Supports montages.
- Annotations/events export.
- Annotations/events import.
- File reducer/cropper/decimator.
- Downsampling signals.
- Precise measurements by using crosshairs.
- Zoomfunction by drawing a rectangle with the mouse.
- Shows signals from different files at the same time.
- EDF/EDF /BDF/BDF to ASCII converter.
- EDF/EDF /BDF/BDF compatibility checker.
- EDF D to EDF C converter.
- BDF( ) to EDF( ) converter.
- Prints to a printer, image or PDF.
- Combine several files and export it to one new EDF file.
- Export a part of a file to a new file.
- Reads from a streaming file (monitor).
- Available for Linux and Windows.